
Schermerhorn Symphony Center
Nashville, TN

Schoenstein and Company 3/64 (2007)

GREAT – II (4½” Wind)

16' Double Open Diapason
8' Stentorphone (Solo)
8' Grand Open Diapason (Solo)
8' First Open Diapason
8' Second Open Diapason
(Extend Double Open)
8' Gamba (Solo)
8' Tibia Clausa (Solo)
8' Harmonic Flute
8' Salicional (Swell)
8' Bourdon (Metal)
8' Lieblich Gedeckt (Borrow with Bourdon Bass)
8' Cor Celeste (II) (Swell)
4' Octave (Solo)
4' Principal
4' Lieblich Gedeckt
2' Fifteenth
11/3' Mixture (IV)
1/3' Mixture (III)
8' Trumpet
4' Clarion
8' Cornet (V) (Solo)
8' Tuba Magna (Solo)
8' Tuba (Solo)
8' Corno di Bassetto (Solo)

SWELL - III (Enclosed - 5" Wind)

16' Lieblich Bourdon (Wood)
8' Open Diapason
8' Stopped Diapason (Wood)
8' Echo Gamba
8' Vox Celeste
8' Salicional
(Stopped Diapason Bass)
4' Principal
4' Harmonic Flute
22/3' Nazard
2' Harmonic Piccolo
13/5' Tierce
8' Oboe

Stops under Double Expression†
16' Cor Seraphique
8' Cor Seraphique
8' Voix Angelique (TC)
2' Mixture (III-V)
16' Posaune
8' Trumpet
4' Clarion
8' Vox Humana††

† Flues and Vox 6" Wind; Reeds 10"
†† Separate Tremulant; separate expression box

SOLO - I (Enclosed - 10" Wind)

8' Grand Open Diapason
8' Symphonic Flute
8' Gamba
8' Gamba Celeste††
4' Octave
2' Quint Mixture (IV)†
(From Tierce Mixture)
2' Tierce Mixture (V)
8' Tuba††
8' Harmonic Trumpet††
8' Tuben (III)†††
8' Corno di Bassetto††
Tremulant (Variable)
Unenclosed Stops
8' Stentorphone
(Extend Pedal Open Wood)
8' Tibia Clausa
(Extend Pedal Sub Bass)
8' Cornet (TG-V - 5" Wind)
16' Trombone
(Extend Pedal Trombone)
8' Tuba Magna††

† Tierce Mixture without Seventeenth
†† 15" Wind
††† Swell Posaune, Trumpet and Clarion at 8' pitch

PEDAL (4½”, 5", 7½”, 10", 15" Wind)

32' Diaphone
32' Sub Bass
16' Diaphone
16' Open Wood
16' Violone (Wood)
16' Diapason (Great)
16' Cor Seraphique (Swell)
16' Sub Bass
16' Bourdon (Swell)
8' Open Wood
8' Open Diapason (Swell)
8' Principal
8' Violone
8' Gamba (Solo)
8' Flute (Great)
8' Sub Bass
8' Bourdon (Swell)
4' Fifteenth
4' Flute (Great)
8' Pizzicato Bass†
32' Trombone††
16' Trombone††
16' Posaune (Swell)
8' Tuba Magna (Solo)
8' Trombone††
8' Posaune (Swell)
4' Trombone††
4' Corno di Bassetto (Solo)

† 8' Sub Bass with Pizzicato Relay
†† Enclosed in its own expression box