
Hilborne Rossevelt, Opus 291 (1885)

First Baptist Church, 1885-1922
Nashville, TN

St. Paul AME Church 1922-abt.1953


GREAT (58 notes)

8 Open Diapason
8 +Doppel Flote
8 Viola di Gama
8 * Dulciana
4 *Octave
2 ½ *Octave Quint
2 *Superoctave
8 *Trumpet
8 Swell to Great
Bellows Signal

SWELL (58 notes)

16 +# Bourdon (bass)
16 +Bourdon (treble)
8 @Vioilin Diapason
8 +Stopped Diapason
8 Dolce
4 Gemshorn
4 Flute Harmonique
Cornet III
8 Oboe



PEDAL (27 notes)

16 + Bourdon
8 @Violoncello
8 Swell to Pedal
8 Great to Pedal

*These stops were enclosed with the Swell. The rest were exposed.

#The manual Bourdon 16’ had a split drawknob.

+These pipes are of wood and stopped.

@These pipes are of spotted metal; the remaining flues are of common metal.

Roosevelt, Opus 291 is now part of an organ rebuilt by Roy Redman, Opus 81 (2002) for Woodworth Chapel, Tougaloo College, Miss.