
First United Methodist Church
Manchester, TN

Delaware 2/8 (1969)
Delaware 2/32 (1981)


16' Gedeckt Pommer
8' Principal
8' Bourdon
8' Gemshorn
4' Octave
4' Chimney Flute
2' Principal
IV Fourniture
8' Trumpet


8' Gedeckt
8' Gamba
8' Gamba Celeste
4' Spitz Principal
4' Koppel Flute
2 2/3' Nazard
2' Spill Flute
1 3/5' Tierce
III Cymbel
8' Oboe

16' Bourdon
16' Gedeckt
8' Principal
8' Stopped Flute
4' Spitz Flute
III Mixture
16' Posaune
8' Trumpet
8' Oboe
4' Oboe

Source: Evans Baird


First United Methodist Church of Manchester is the oldest continuous church in Coffee County. In 1812 a Circuit Rider Preacher by the name of Issac Conger established a Methodist church somewhere near Old Stone Fort. A log church building was constructed in 1815, and used until 1852. When the city of Manchester was laid off as the seat of justice in Coffee County, lots on Church Street were donated to six different denominations. This is the only church still on its original property. The building was so seriously abused during the Civil War it had to be demolished. It was not until 1883 that the present church was built. The building was enlarged and extensively remodeled two different times. From 1916 to 1949, the sanctuary was turned end to end with extensions on each side of the building. In 1949 the building was returned to its original form and greatly enlarged. The second electronic organ was installed in the 1949 remodeling.

By 1965, the church was considering the possibility of replacing the sanctuary. A 32 rank pipe organ was designed that could eventually be used in a larger building. The console and eight ranks, classically voiced, were installed on the front wall of the rather long narrow nave. Ten years later, it was decided to stay in the present building, and the 32 ranks were completed. Part of the wall behind the altar was removed creating a very open organ chamber so that the completed instrument still speaks directly into the nave.

The Sanctuary with its many changes through the years is an amazingly functional space. With a rather high ceiling and very little carpet, the organ speaks clearly and all vocal music can be performed with no need for electronic amplification.