First United Methodist Church, Chapel
Columbia, TN
Wicks 2/3
A - Geigen Diapason **
B - Stopped Flute
C - Viola **
** - Bottom octave from Stopped Flute
16' Bourdon B
8' Geigen Diapason A
8' Flute B
8' Salicional C
4' Octave A
4' Flute d'Amour B
2' Piccolo B
16' Bourdon B
8' Geigen Diapason A
8' Quintadena (8' Flute and Nazard)
8' Stopped Flute B
8' Viola C
4' Flute B
4' Violina C
2 2/3' Nazard B
8' Oboe (Stopped Flute, Viola and Nazard)
16' Subbass B
8' Gedeckt B
4' Octave A
4' Flute B
Source: Ken Stein
The organ is not on the Wicks opus list, so it must be a
transplant that even Wicks is unaware of.