
First Presbyterian Chruch
Lebanon, TN

Moller Op. 8786 2/16 1955; Barger & Nix 2015


8' Diapason
8' Harmonic Flute
8' Dulciana
4' Octave
4' Harmonic Flute
4' Dulciana
2' Super Octave
III Mixture
8' Trompette
4' Clairon


16' Lieblich Gedeckt
8' Geigen Diapason (#1 - #12 derived)
8' Viole d'Gamba
8' Viole Celeste (tc)
8' Gedeckt
4' Geigen Octave
4' Gedeckt
2 2/3 Nasard
2 Fifteenth (from Geigen Octave)
2 Flautino (from Gedeckt)
1 3/5 Tierce
1 1/3 Quint (from Nasard)
16' Contra Oboe
8' Oboe
4' Oboe Clairon


32' Resultant
16' Subbass
16' Lieblich Gedeckt (SW)
8' Diapason(GT)
8' Subbass
8' Gedeckt (SW)
5 1/3 Quint Gedeckt (SW)
4' Choralbass (GT Diapason)
4' Subbass
4' Gedeckt (SW)
III Mixture (GT)
32' Reed Cornet (SW)
16' Contra Oboe (SW)
8' Trompette (GT)
8' Oboe (SW)
4' Oboe Clairon (SW)

The organ was installed new in this building; it replaced 1911 Pilcher Op. 726, whose non-speaking facade pipes remain in place. The church is known for its Tiffany stained-glass windows.

Source: Organs of the U S and Canada Database; the Moller opus list; the church website; Gary Scott