Bellevue United Methodist Church
Nashville, TN
Schantz Op. 2167 2/11 1999
8' Prestant 1-44 B, 45-61 E
8' Gedackt 1-49 A, 50-61 F
8' Spitzflote 1-19 A, 20-61 F
4' Principal 1-61 E
2' Gemshorn 1-61 C
II Sesquialtera 13-49 G
III-IV Mixture 1-61 H
8' Trumpet 1-61 I
Manual II to Manual I
8' Gedeckt 1-49 A, 50-61 F
8' Gemshorn 1-61 C
8' Gemshorn Celeste 13-61 D tc
4' Principal 1-61 E
4' Spitzflote 1-7 A, 8-61 F
2' Gemshorn 1-61 C
8' Trumpet 1-61 I
General Tremulant
16' Gedacktbass 1-32 A
8' Prestant 1-32 B
8' Gedackt 1-32 A
8' Gemshorn 1-32 C
4' Prestant 1-32 B
16' Contra Trumpet 1-32 I
8' Trumpet 1-32 I
Manual I to Pedal
Manual II to Pedal
A 16' Gedeckt 61
B 8' Prestant 44
C 8' Gemshorn 85
D 8' Gemshorn Celeste 49tc
E 4' Principal 61
F 4' Spitzflote 54
G 2 2/3' II Sesquialtera tc 74
H III-IV Mixture 176
I 16' Trumpet 73
The congregation was formed in 1809 as Edney's
Meeting House. In 1813, a schoolboy found a beehive in the building
and tried to burn it out; he bumbled the job and the building
burned to the ground. A new structure was built one mile to the
west, on Backbone Ridge, and was named Edney's Chapel. In 1855,
the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad placed tracks through
the community, now called Belleview, thus making it the hub of
the area.
On September 20, 1910, the new Belleview Methodist Episcopal
Church,South, was dedicated at 7544 Old Harding Road and a Sunday
School was organized. A new fellowship hall and kitchen were
added in 1950.
In 1965, the present site at 7501 Old Harding Road was purchased.
In 1969, the name was changed to Bellevue to reflect the current
spelling used in the area. On September 7 of that year, the first
service was held at the new location, which was made up of a
new sanctuary, education wing and a small office. In 1976, a
larger sanctuary was completed and the original sanctuary became
the fellowship hall. A new education building was added in 1988
and a new steeple placed atop the new foyer.
In 1997, the second sanctuary was converted into a large fellowship
hall and commercial kitchen and construction begain on the third
and present sanctuary; it was consecrated on May 17, 1998.
In March 2000, Schantz installed their Op. 2167, a two-manual
of eleven ranks. Two months later, on May 22nd, Steven J. Morris
of Houston, Texas, played the dedicatory recital. |