

Evans Baird Residence
Manchester, TN

W. W. Kimball 2/4 Opus 7205 (1936)


8' Diapason
8' Flute Ouverte
8' Viole D'Amour
8' Prestant
4' Flute
4' Viole
2' Doublette
8' Oboe

Swell Unison 8'


16' Bourdon
8' Diapason
8' Flute Ouverte
8' Viole D'Amour
4' Flute
4' Viole
2 2/3 Nazard
2' Flageolet
8' Oboe


16' Bourdon
8' Flute
4' Fifteenth
4' Flute
8' Oboe


Open Diapason 60 pipes
Viole D' Amour 72 pipes
Flute 96 pipes [ 71 metal / 25 wood ]
Oboe 60 pipes [ 48 reeds / 12 flues ]












The organ was originally installed in a Doctors home in Portland Oregon. Later, it was installed in a church in Walla Walla, Washington for a period of time before being put into storage in Los Angeles California. In 1978 it was installed in a home in Pasadena California. Mr. Baird disassembled it in 2001 and installed it in his home in Manchester.